
Disclaimer and Copyright Notice for Abdul Latif Jameel Transportation Company Limited (S:MILE) Website <www.saudilastmile.com>

Please ensure the copyright notice below is prominently displayed or properly brought to the attention of visitors to the S:MILE Website<www.saudilastmile.com>.

The disclaimer should be visible on all pages of the S:MILE Website if any reference to Abdul Latif Jameel is made anywhere within the site.

Copyright notice and disclaimer:

© 2018 Abdul Latif Jameel Transportation Company Limited. All rights in this site are fully reserved. Permission to use this site is granted strictly subject to the Terms of Use. The Abdul Latif Jameel name, and the Abdul Latif Jameel logotype and pentagon-shaped graphic are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Abdul Latif Jameel IPR Company Limited. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and reproduced by kind permission.

The term “Abdul Latif Jameel” refers broadly to several distinct, separate and independent legal entities. Abdul Latif Jameel is not itself a corporate entity, association or conglomerate run by an overarching parent company but merely refers to a group of distinct and wholly separate legal entities that are collectively referred to as Abdul Latif Jameel. Abdul Latif Jameel is not a corporate group as defined in section 1161(5) of the Companies Act 2006.

Date: February 2021